About Us
Dr. Lalit Kumar Malhotra is founding father of the company

About CHL
The Company was originally incorporated as Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Private Limited vide certificate of incorporation dated 16/03/1979. Subsequently, the company was converted into a public limited company and the name was changed to Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd.
Further, the name of the company was changed to “Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd.? vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 29/04/1982. The company is renamed as “CHL Ltd? vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 11/12/1997.
Dr. Lalit Kumar Malhotra, founding father of the company, a true leader according to the renowned management guru Peter Drucker is someone who can “lift a person’s vision to higher sights, raise a person’s performance to a higher standard, build a person’s personality beyond its normal limitations…” The story of Dr Lalit Kumar Malhotra, currently Chairman & Managing Director, Hotel The Suryaa, New Delhi and Immediate Past President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), has also been on parallel lines. All through his multi-faceted life as entrepreneur, businessman, hotelier and industrialist he has cruised ahead as a visionary leader molding personality as a gifted sculptor as he goes along building one business after another in different streams. Full of enterprise and a focused thinker, Dr Malhotra has an uncanny knack of giving his businesses a purposeful momentum and a sustainable people orientation. He is also technology perceptive and has excellent financial acumen.
Dr Lalit Kumar Malhotra was born in Chakwal (Dist, Jhelum) Pakistan on February 7, 1944 to a family of five brothers and one sister. After Independence, the family migrated to Old Delhi and settled to an eventful innings in trading in consumer products. Dr Malhotra’s father, Late Dr Amar Nath Malhotra was a gutsy entrepreneur while his mother, Late Mrs. Melan Devi Malhotra was a religious and social lady. Perhaps he imbibed the positive qualities of daring entrepreneur and innate love for jelling with people from his respective parents.
Dr. Malhotra did his schooling in Ramjas School followed by graduation from Hindu College, postgraduation and Hon’y PhD in Business Management from Burkes University.
Our Vision
The ideology of our vision is to continue to apply and set the highest standards of service quality and in that way justify and uphold the reputation that we have among the guests, partners, competitors and the wider community. We use and constantly introduce environmentally friendly technologies and processes in order to remain in balance with nature and also meet the needs of contemporary society.Tradition is a testament to our success but in the future we also want to embrace the changes that modern time brings and become more attractive in the market and more interesting to our guests and partners.
Our Mission
The mission of the CHL Ltd. is to put hospitality services on the highest level in order to satisfy the demands and expectations of guests. Our aim is to make the Hotel Grand a place for encounters, business success, pleasant meetings and gala ceremonies.